Secrets to listening to your collaborators

No matter the size of the company, the employees are the ones who represent it to the customers.

To really know the experience your brand is offering, you not only need to get feedback from your consumers, you also need to know how your team thinks.

You can have the best product/service, with an excellent value proposition, but if the team doesn’t execute it well it’s a problem.

The commitment and good performance of all your collaborators is essential for the generation of results.

Perhaps in an SME it is easier to be close to the experience of your collaborators, with a meeting you can get up to speed on everything. However, when teams are larger, the distance grows and other tools need to be developed.

So how is it possible to be in touch with them? How do you leverage their first-hand experience to make decisions?

People are people, and we all want the same thing: an organization that knows us, empowers us, and motivates us to know that what we do every day makes sense.

Achieving that intimacy with employees is complex. The classic managerial practice of walking the halls and asking one-on-one questions is not applicable to all structures, but we can learn from it and look for opportunities for improvement.

An excellent alternative to determine the level of satisfaction of your employees is intelligent software.

Specialized programs in measuring job satisfaction collect information from employees themselves in an anonymous format, so that managers can know how workers feel and how they can improve with just one click.

One example is our Employee Voice. A solution that makes it easier to survey workers.

It obtains unbiased data and calculates the satisfaction rate in the work environment. In addition, it obtains data that will help you improve work practices, the environment and conditions of employment.

The best? It is an intuitive program that easily adapts to the structure of all organizations. It can be configured to carry out specific surveys, such as knowing the opinion of employees in the face of a new work measure, change of schedules, bonuses and any other project that you want to carry out.

Just as it is important to know what satisfies our customers and act accordingly, it is essential to understand what motivates our employees and give them space and tools so that they can develop and show results.

If we are an excellent company or service for our people, that will be passed on to the end consumer.

If you need more information on how to get direct, regular, and real-time feedback, go to

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